13 February 2008

Not-so-fresh notes...but lots of 'em

There’s been an unsightly barrage of notes over on oenoLog of late, but to view them in a more useful form, check out the main site. There, you’ll find notes from last year’s Boston Wine Expo (a last-minute clearing-out in preparation for the posting of this year’s notes, of course; we’re all about timeliness here at oenoLogic, what with New Zealand travelogues posted three years after the trip, etc.), including a long rundown from Italy, and shorter ones from Bordeaux, Burgundy & Champagne.

A little more extensive digging will also reveal more promptly-posted (that is, within a month or so of the actual event) notes from Châteauneuf-du-Pape, the rest of the Rhône & Southern France, North America, the Jura, the Loire, South Africa, and New Zealand.

And now, I can proceed to avoid posting the 2008 notes until just before next year’s Expo, right? Right?

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